Going Remote

Going Remote

This is a rough go for all of us. So let me start with something light-hearted.

To keep us all entertained, I’ve put together a list of some of my favourite online resources for singers looking to deepen their understanding of the voice and music!

I can’t think of a time when I’ve needed music and singing more than the past week. The emotional rollercoaster that we have all been on during the spread of the Coronavirus is still on the heart-wrenching incline. Each new piece of information –  or misinformation – is a *click* of the track as we climb higher and higher to the beginning of the drop. Music is my over-the-shoulder seat belt keeping me from flying off into anxiety, stress and worry. Music has been my therapy, music has been my relief and it has been my stronghold.

I have made the incredibly difficult decision to shut down Wedgwood Alley for the time being. All lessons will be held remotely, online. I hope to continue to bring music into the lives of my clients through online sessions and provide stress release, entertainment and joy to those who are also in need of a musical pick-me-up.

I struggled with the choice to close my studio. My lessons are one-on-one and are fairly low risk. My head is spinning over the fact that I worked so hard to have it set up and ready for my beautiful students by the first week of March, only to shut it down the second week.  I am scared that I will lose my studio, I am scared to fail, I am worried and tired and stressed out...just like everyone else. However, I feel it’s the responsible choice to limit social interactions and time spent on public transit, so I’m steadfast in my choice and I feel confident that my clients will stick with me during this confusing and uncertain time.

I wanted to write this as a thank-you to those who have supported me (which is pretty much all of you) and let you know I’m still working hard to provide my students with the highest level of vocal training! Online lessons can be productive and fun. 

Here are a few tips to get ready for your online lessons:

  • If possible, have an additional device available during the lesson to play to music/instrumental tracks

  • You don’t need any fancy equipment, just your phone and a computer. Both are best, one will be absolutely sufficient. 

  • Make yourself comfortable at home! Make some tea, get cozy and get ready to sing!!

Let’s use this time to meditate, grow, slow down and stay healthy! I’m here if you need that musical pick-me-up, or even just for a chat. We’ve got to stay together – not so much physically, but emotionally. because we are all we have. We rely on each other and that should be a point of pride!

Happy singing!

Lizzy Clarke

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